- Jul 12, 2023

Queensland Government Grants $21.7 Million to Fuel Expansion of Precursor Production Facility in Gladstone

View the WIN News coverage here.

Read the Qld Government statement here.

The Queensland Government’s Industry Partnership Program has granted Alpha HPA up to $21.7 million in funding, marking a major milestone in the development of the HPA First Project’s second stage. This investment will enable us to further commercialise the production of high purity alumina (HPA) and related HPA precursor products right here in Gladstone. At Alpha HPA, we employ our proprietary licensed solvent extraction and refining technology to transform this vision into reality.

Today, we were pleased to welcome Acting Premier Steven Miles and Gladstone MP Glenn Butcher to announce this funding while inspecting the project’s first stage in Gladstone. The assistance we have received through the government’s Industry Partnership Program for the HPA First Project is a testament to our shared commitment to fostering growth in priority industry sectors. Back in 2021, we chose Queensland as the home for this ground-breaking project, and now, thanks to the support of the state government, we can build further momentum to move ahead to Stage 2 and plan for full-scale production.

Our aim is to build diverse and sustainable supply chains that will support the growth of industries such as battery manufacturing. With investments in projects like ours, Queensland’s critical minerals processing capability expands, ensuring that new industries have the necessary materials to bring safe, high-performing products to market.

Gladstone MP Glenn Butcher rightly pointed out that the government’s support of this exciting next stage reaffirms their dedication to a clean, green future for Queensland. At Alpha HPA, we share this vision, and our project perfectly aligns with the state’s objectives to enhance critical minerals processing capabilities and support downstream value-adding and export opportunities in emerging industries, such as battery manufacturing.

Our Managing Director, Rimas Kairaitis, also expressed his gratitude for the Queensland Government’s financial support. He emphasised how this assistance further accelerates the momentum for the HPA First Project and fosters the growth of local supply chains. As a company, we are committed to contributing to the goal of net-zero emissions manufacturing, as evidenced by our signing of the Central Queensland Statement of Cooperation with the Queensland Government back in 2021.

The High Purity Alumina that we produce at Alpha HPA will have a significant impact on various industries. This remarkable material will find its way into LED lighting, lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles, semiconductors, and consumer electronics. Through our disruptive, low-carbon process technology, we can extract and purify aluminium from an industrial feedstock, producing 4N (>99.99% purity) alumina and 5N (>99.999% purity) aluminium salts. These high-quality materials will be sold in high-technology markets, supporting the development of cutting-edge products and technologies.

We look forward to sharing more updates with you as we continue to drive innovation and progress in Queensland’s critical minerals processing sector. Together, we are shaping a brighter future for industries and communities alike.


Media contact: Ellie Blumel – hello@alpha.dev.lancemontana.com.au

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